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The Ancient World Anonymous No.201247
16848738454550.jpg (327 KB, 1200x720)
has there ever been any Films or TV Shows set in the Ancient World that has part or parts in it that is from the perspective of of the captured teenage girls who end up becoming sex slaves to the rich noblemen in Rome and tells their story of what they saw, witnessed and experienced while they were in their captivity?
Anonymous No.201297
>>201247 (OP)
Δεν ξέρω τέτοιες ταινίες, αλλά θα ήθελα κι εγώ να δώ κάτι τέτοιο. Κάτι για αρχαία χρόνια και που οδήγημα δε πάει για κάποιον ήρωα ή έναν πόλεμο, αλλά για τη ζώη απλών ανθρώπων.

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